In the movie Me, Myself, & Irene a sweet natured man named Charlie Baileygates, starring Jim Carrey, is a Rhode Island State Police trooper. Charlie is a mild-mannered, hard-working, and helpful man. Charlie has Split Personality Disorder, and when he runs out of his medication he turns into Hank Baileygates. Hank is Charlie’s hyper-aggressive alter-ego. Charlie and Hank are complete opposites; they have nothing in common except for a woman named Irene Walters, played by RenĂ©e Zellweger. Irene is a beautiful woman who both Charlie and Hank have fallen in love with. Charlie and Hank both fight over the affection of a confused Irene. In the meantime Charlie tries to keep Irene save from her evil corrupt ex-boyfriend Dickie Thurman along with his associates who plan on killing Irene.
This movie has a good representation of dissociative identity disorder discussed in chapter 14 of our books. In dissociative identity disorder the person with the disorder seems to experience at least 2 or more distinct personalities existing in his or her body, such as Charlie Baileygates did in the movie. There is one “core” personality, which would be Charlie, in Charlie/Hank’s disorder.
This is a good movie. I thought about using this movie for the project. It shows a very good example of multiple personalities(dissociative identity disorder). It would be very hard to live with someone who has this disorder like charlie/hank.